This will keep the flowers in the vase fresh


This will keep the flowers in the vase fresh

As beautiful as they are and they lift our spirits, the sad truth is that the cut flowers that we place in the vases have an expiration date. Nevertheless, by knowing and following the right steps, you will be able to extend their lifespan.
What you need to know is that in all plants, their flowers are the ones that die first, especially when cut. So the best you can do is choose flowers that in their natural environment last a long time, such as carnations, chrysanthemums and orchids.
Also, in addition to their (expected) short duration, the cut flowers wither for another reason: From the moment they are cut, they do not feed, resulting in their gradual death. If you want to keep them for a long time, you need to make sure they continue to feed. Buy special food powder in a sachet and if you can not find it on the market, you can add a little sugar to their water.
Althoughwater works as a means of transporting nutrients, it is also the main cause that flowers rot. What you can do is change it often,remove the leaves from the perimeter of the shoots and often trim their rotten base. Another secret is that a drop of bleach in the water will help keep it clean for much longer.

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